Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AATSL)

Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AATSL)
In December 1987 the Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AATSL) was established on the initiative of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICA-SL), in accordance with the guidelines issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC-US), Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA), and based on the Association of Accounting Technicians of U.K (AAT - U.K.).The AATSL was established to meet the shortage of Accounting and Audit Personnel at the middle level in Government Departments, State Corporations, Audit Firms, Industrial Organisations and Commercial Establishments. It is a non-profit making Institution.Many Developments have taken place internationally since the Asian and Pacific Conference for Development, organised by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank (WB), which was held in November 1984. Thereafter, IFAC issued guidelines on Education and Training requirements for Accounting Technicians in October 1987. The Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the ADB in December 1982 for the Development of Teaching Resource Material for training of Accounting Technicians in the Asia and Pacific Region. The ADB also sponsored the Regional Consultative Meeting to review the teaching resource material for Accounting Technicians in 1989 at Seoul, Korea. The ADB was also able to develop the teaching resource material to be used in the Accounting Technicians Programme. The XIVth World Congress of Accountants held from October 11-14th 1992, in Washington U.S.A. had a concurrent session on “The Role of the Accounting Technicians”. The International Federation of Accountants set up by the IFAC task force on Accounting Technicians was chaired by Mr. John Grunner Director General IFAC. Prof. Lakshman R. Watawala, Founder President of AATSL was a member of this task force.
AATSL was established in Dec. 1987 on the model of the AAT (UK). AATSL is a non profit organisation. AAT (UK) had been formed in 1980 by the merger of two earlier existing bodies in U.K., namely Association for Accounting Technicians of Finance & Accounting (ATFA) and Institute of Accounting Staff (IAS).Subsequently AAT Ireland (called Institute of Accounting Technicians Ireland) was formed in April 1983. Afterwards AATs have been established in Pakistan (now called Institute of Public Service Accountants-Pakistan), in Malaysia (now called Association of Accounting Administrators-Malaysia), in Singapore, and in New Zealand (called College of Accounting Technicians-New Zealand ). The master plan for Accountancy Education in Sri Lanka prepared by the ADB Inception Misson in 1986, emphasized the need for the Technician Level Accounting Personnel. The Mission Report forecast the Island’s requirement of Accounting Technicians at 12,000 by the year 2000.AATSL since 1987 has been able to produce 15473 Passed Finalists up to Dec. 2009. Still there is a great potential for Accounting Technicians which has increased immensely with the expanding economy, and now with the new global village concept. Accounting Technicians are Middle Level Professional Accountants immediately after obtaining the Associate Membership (MAAT). However by gaining experience in the field of Accountancy they can reach to Senior Technician Level (SAT) and Fellow Technician Level (FMAAT), which are considered as well groomed Professional Accountants. One can add more value and recognition to this qualification by gaining qualifications in other Professional Accountancy bodies.